Offshore Software Development India

Offshore Software Development India

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Google Analytics New Strategy for your websites

Google analytics has modified its tracking code so that it can track real time data and can provide you more accurate results. With static sites migrating to dynamic websites because of its added benefits, even though it cannot be denied that dynamic websites are not search engine friendly. Work is in progress to make these dynamic websites search engine friendly. Till date researchers have not been able to provide with 100% result but they Google has started indexing flash websites.

Google Analytics team has asked to make modification on every page of the code (where you have added urchin code urchin.js as ga.js). Assembled 22 page track code migration guide provided by the google analytic team will really help you to get into the process and benefits you will have from this.

Beside the general procedure, guide enlists the features and benefits so that users do not get lost in between. The guide is to simplify the process and make google analytics more friendly and accurate at the same provide niche web site log details for dynamic web pages. Some of the basic features include: tracking - virtual page views, visitor across a domain using a form or a link, downloaded files, e-commerce transactions, page in multiple accounts; adding organic resources; restrict cookies data to a sub directory, monitor data collection setting and data collection timeout; control campaign conversion timeout and more.

We welcome you to exchange your views on this posting, for web related information visit our website Offshore Software Development.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Google Analytics is a website statistic tools that will help monitor traffics, keywords, products that will generate sales and with this new strategy website could achieved the best.